Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'What Would Jesus Say' to Your Church?

Some people criticize the church out of anger while some people defend the church out of ignorance, but when Jesus dictated the seven letters to the churches found in the book of Revelation He was neither angry nor ignorant. He just had such a passionate love for the church that he was willing to share a few 'home truths' that might spur them on to what they could be (if they had ears to hear).
The church today might need to hear similar things from Jesus... Sometimes He might be saying what he is proud of and other times indicating where our short comings are.
The truth is none of us are a part of the perfect church and we would do well to remember that Jesus loves us all and wants each if us to be all we can be in God.
Let's not ditch the church because of it's short comings or be so proud of it that we can't see them.
Rather let's with sober minded judgment press in to be all we can be, listening to the voice of Jesus, empowered by His Spirit as we go.